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Water Guardian,

Thanks for requesting our White Paper: Enhance the Efficiency of Oil/ Water Separators with Oil Skimmers.

Click one of the links above to begin the download. 

Here's a sneak peak and how our free-floating tube skimmer works:

Oil Skimmers, Inc - How Does Our Tube-Type Oil Skimmer Work?



You have the White Paper, now Test our Free-Floating Collector Tube!

FREE Tube Test Kit!tube-test-kit-icon

Want to see if our tube will pick up your oil, grease or fat?

  1. We send you a section of our tube (with a length of string to reach deep pits or tanks)
  2. Dip the tube into your solution and if the oil sticks to the tube, our skimmers are the answer to your oil skimming challenges.
  3. Snap a photo of the results and email us for a chance to win a free collector tube with your purchase a skimming system!
FREE Tube Test Kit